People and Places of Ansdell (Signed)


Author: Wilson, Beth /Published by Countryside Books 2024/ Paperback, 306 pages

ISBN: 9781846744273-1 Category: Subject:


People and Places of Ansdell tells the story of life in Ansdell in the first half of the 20th century – dipping into stories related to some of the properties, people and places connected to the ‘only place in the country to be named after an artist’ – Richard Ansdell.

Looking for solitude and quietness, Richard Ansdell leased a plot of land close to his friend and patron James Eden. Ansdell had a quiet summer residence and studio built – this quietness was destroyed by the coming of the railways. The first railway stop was in 1878 and was called Ansdell’s Halt, the area developing from there. If you look around today an Edwardian character is still in evidence.

The book charts the development of the local railways, services, shops, churches and schools and tells the story of some of the local residents. It also takes a look at the places within the village associated with both world wars and the story behind them.

Beth Wilson has lived in Ansdell since 1997 and has been involved in researching it’s history ever since.

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